And then there were Two.

So, in the midst of starting up this business and having a 6 month old foster baby in our home we got a phone call from our foster agency.  They called to ask if Katie and I would be willing to take another placement, even if it meant we were going to have to take a class to become certified as a Medically Fragile home.  The new placement, another little boy born 5 weeks premature who was still in the NICU, and had been deemed "Medically Fragile".  Long story short the new baby had some issues related to the conditions of his birth and needed special care.  We had talked amongst ourselves about if we would ever be willing to foster/adopt a medically fragile baby, and kind of decided that we would make that decision if the time ever came to make such a decision. Well, the time and come and after some prayerful consideration we decided that we were going to take the class and the new baby too.

The class wasn't anything too terrible, just a couple hours of going over things that we kind of already knew as well as a little bit of new information.  The agency social worker told us that the new baby would be ready to come home on Monday the following week barring any complications.  We planned and prepared accordingly.  We had a good friend come over on Monday morning to baby sit our 6 month old bundle of joy and we were off to the hospital.  We arrived about 5 minutes before the scheduled time and met the county social worker and our agency worker.  We were washing up a getting ready to meet the new baby when the hospital social worker came in to the waiting room.  "oh, didn't you all get the message?", she asked politely.  She then let us all know that baby Isaac had had an episode and we weren't going to be able to take him home today. In fact the earliest he would be discharged would be the coming Friday.  

After receiving the bad news we got to meet the little guy.  Isaac was about 3-1/2 weeks old and weighed about 5-1/2 pounds.  He was easily the tiniest baby Katie or I had ever seen person or held.  It was a very short week waiting for him to come home and we were able to call to check and to visit him later in the week.  Finally the next Monday came and the pick up appointment happened as we had hoped it would the previous Monday.  It was a quick trip back home with a brand new baby in the back seat and his social worker following right behind.  She had to make sure that our home had all of the necessary things to care for our new little guy.  She was great and loved our home, we even talked coffee and found out her mother was from Honduras.  We are now about 2 weeks into having two babies in our home and trying to start our dream business at the same time.  Life has never been fuller or seemed more busy and we are enjoying more coffee than ever before!

Christopher Bayer